Acoustitone Pro Hearing Aid Review : 5/5
I ordered two so my wife and I could use one of them and save some money over a single unit purchase. Before we bought this product, we did a lot of research and was shocked at the cost for hearing aids. It was with some skepticism that we bought them anyway, but with a 45 day return option, thought it was worth the risk. Based on our experience, with our hearing loss (50% for my wife), anyone who needs a hearing aid should give this one a try first, and save hundreds to thousands of dollars. Even with the aid set at its lowest volume setting the increase in hearing is almost too good to be true! It's true that the product uses analog instead of digital technology, and doesn't all fit inside the ear, but how much is your vanity worth? By Delbert K. Mogle "Keith"
The Acoustitone Pro Hearing Aid is available at Amazon.